Dog Friendly Office Project: Our Dogs Took an Office Assessment!

Dog Friendly Office Project: Our Dogs Took an Office Assessment!

To commemorate the launch of the Dog Friendly Office Project, we will hold an annual event at the free stitch office called the ‘Dog Friendly Office Day’ on May 12th 2021.

As part of the preparation process, we conduct a quick assessment on the dogs who come into the office on a regular basis. 
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Dog Friendly Office Project: Staff Questionnaire

Dog Friendly Office Project: Staff Questionnaire

To commemorate the launch of the Dog Friendly Office Project, we will hold an annual event at the free stitch office called the ‘Dog Friendly Office Day’ on May 12th 2021. 

As part of our preparation for the Dog Friendly Office Day, we conducted a questionnaire among the free stitch team to gather feedback on how they feel about bringing their pet to the office and whether there are any points that we can improve upon.

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[UPDATE] Dog Friendly Office Project: Introducing the Dog Friendly Office Day

[UPDATE] Dog Friendly Office Project: Introducing the Dog Friendly Office Day

To commemorate the launch of the Dog Friendly Office Project, we hold an annual event at the free stitch office called the ‘Dog Friendly Office Day’.
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15 results