Dog Friendly Office Project Point 3: Treatment of Fleas and Ticks

In the spirit of ‘Enriching the Workplace with Your Dog" at free stitch, we started the ‘Dog Friendly Office Project’ in September 2019. 

Since then, we have listened to the feedback from our customers about how their workplaces view bringing pets to work and we have created a set of guidelines for our staff who come to the office with their pets.

Through a series of blog entries, we hope to expand on and explain some of the reasoning behind the guidelines that we created in the consent form. 

In our last post, we looked at the reasoning behind requiring dogs to be vaccinated against rabies and other basic inoculations.

In this blog, we will focus on rule 2 of the 'Dog-Friendly Office Project' guidelines;

  1. Pets must have recently been de-loused and have received treatment to eliminate fleas and ticks.

When fleas, ticks and other parasites that live on the skin and in the coat of dogs and cats multiply, they can cause severe itching and anaemia. In the worst cases, flea and tick-borne pathogens can infect and cause fatal illnesses within pets and humans. 

Once parasite eggs are laid indoors, it can be very difficult to completely remove them, therefore it is necessary to effectively treat your pet before bringing them to the office. As with vaccinations, treating your pet for parasites, regardless of whether they go out for walks or not, is necessary for keeping everyone safe.  

We recommend treating your pet for ticks and fleas all year round, however the peak period of activity for parasites is between April and December in Japan, so please ensure your pet is kept up to date during this time. 

In our next article, we will be looking at the 3rd rule ‘All dogs must have been registered at their local government health center’ in more detail.

For more information on the dog friendly office project, please click here.

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