Dog-Friendly Office Staff Dogs Attended a free stitch Meetup Event
On Saturday 19th November 2022, as part of promoting awareness of the Dog-friendly Office Project, some of the free stitch staff took their dogs to one of our outdoor Meetup events for the first time!
Our staff dogs who joined in on the day are (from left to right): Yuzu (Shiba), Kazuha (Labrador), Ten (Miniature Pinscher), Milo (Labrador).
Our staff dogs have gotten used to coming in and out of our office over the past three years so they have seen many new faces; however, they were still very excited to get outside and play with a lot of new dogs and their owners.
The event was a full day of fun and games, playing in the dog run and joining in the competitions. The staff and their dogs had a great time outside in the beautiful autumn weather!
We'll be updating our social networking sites with more information about our staff dogs and what they did during the event, so be sure to check back soon!